Sunday, November 23, 2008

W24M Class photo up for grabs!!

All W24M Class photo, you can ask from Fazli, the guy with his new Nikon camera...

Pic Below: all took such a long time to pose infront of the camera...haiz..

Pic Below: okay...say "cheese!"

Look further down is a pic of....

My Digital Facilitator (LOL!!)

He is the winner for being "The most observant digital faci"

Haha..Why I say observant? Becoz he knows when I am in lazy mode…
If you think I am hardworking, think back…hahaha! Coz this faci can spot my slacking mode well!
Everytime when I start to slack, he will put it in under comments. Basically he observes every student. But when he put those comments, its true la…
And he gave me a C for being in a slacking mode. humph

Digital Team of the Day

And Last but not least, our photographer of the day wic is also
our classmate...

W24M is a fun class but E45K (Yr 2 sem 1) is the HAPPENING class!!
I can still remember the environment of E45K…the CS environment, putting “aruna” name in CS..zul’s birthday bash!! Hahaha!
LOL…will never forget those moments.
W24M, the class that helps me to survive through all the modules.
Becoz W24M has its way of knowning how to learn in a fun way and help each other...

IN CONCLUSION, Both class is Fun!!hehehe...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

To friends who have work hard to organise outings...

Plans for Saturday morning?!!

I planned to go to library, to do my stuff.
Sometimes, I treat school & library like my second home.
Maybe because my heart is so close to school and the library...
I know people might think I am crazy.

People will wander, “why school. Think of school and you will be stress..”
But for me, School is a place where I can do things freely...

Like, if I want to go anywhere, no one stop me and disturbing me.
And why I like library? Because it so quiet and peaceful, and the best, no distractions..So quiet that I can even fall asleep...haha.LOL

So, I told my mum that I’m going to the library.But then, they restrict me because they thought I was going to meet my friend for no reason.

She argue, why do you need to go to school on a Saturday?
I mean, I rarely go out with my friends nowadays. I have so many things to settle until all my friends say I’m always busy. Actually, how I wish I could manage my time for my friends and family too.

You see, my can I not be busy... I couldn’t even have time for my friends and have to make time for my family since family always come first.

When I have time for family, I have no time for friends.

When I need to spend some time for friends, my family say I spend too much time for myself and friends.

When I spend time for both family and friends, I have no time for school and my hobbies.
So, how? I have no idea.

Just hope you guys or any of my friends out there organise an outing understands if I end up saying things like,” I’m not going...” or “I can’t go”,,
i really apreciate all your hard work trying to organise outing to for class bonding...
But It’s not that I don’t want to go. I just can’t make it but I will always try to make it. At least I try, right?? :))

Thursday, November 6, 2008

W24M for the first time of the SEM

Last week, W24 For the first time, more than half of the class went out to lunch together, play arcade! Hahaha..

Di ying, so poor thing, she got hit by a basket ball when playing arcade until her head got blue black. Blame Xu Hao for it! Haah.

We took the most seats in KFC…people all need around 2 tables. We took 6 tables in KFC. Hahaha!

I read one of my friend’s blog and she write in her post that “she realizes that she have left out her really true friends…”

Well, no offence but I find it true because it does happen to me. I think that this is what happens to our life especially being in RP. We keep changing classes every semester.

Hence, we tend to have more time for those who are in the same class as you. Maybe because RP students know that we only have a few months to know each other so we tend to have more time for classmates.

But, however, there is msn to always make sure we always keep in touch no matter how busy we can be. So, not to worry.... all we need is msn and save some of your time for all of your friends... hehehe!